Serving from scratch artisan breads, pastries, and more to the

Chequamegon Bay, and beyond since 2001!

 Our breads and baked goods can be found at the following businesses:

Adventure Club Brewing (pub pretzels) Bayfield, WI

Andy's Groceries-Bayfield, WI

Benoit Cheese Haus-Benoit, WI

Black Cat Coffeehouse-Ashland,WI
Chequamegon Food Co-op-Ashland, WI

Cook County Whole Foods Co-op-Grand Marais, MN

Delta Diner-Delta WI
Denfeld Whole Foods Co-op-Duluth, MN
The Cedar Lounge/Earth Rider Brewery (pub pretzels) Superior, WI
Iron River Foods-Iron River, WI

Kadejan Market-Glenwood, MN
Natural Harvest Food Co-op-Virginia, MN

North Coast Coffee-Washburn WI
Wholefoods Co-op Hillside-Duluth, MN​​

​​Winter Store Hours

Monday - Saturday 7 am - 6 pm

​Sunday 8am - 4 pm